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My name is Joy Shane and I am the creator of Bringing Joy- Comprehensive Coaching, Counseling & Consulting. My sister Dawn and I are Certified Mindset Transformation Coaches. We empower people to make BIG & IMMEDIATE changes in their lives!
Our team of coaches uses a multifaceted approach
to helping people of all ages reveal their inner joy, connect with their "little selves" and IMMEDIATELY experience a shift in energy.
Are you searching for something that feels just beyond your grasp?
Do you feel as though there is something more for you in this world,
but you are unsure of what that something might be?
Have you experienced a life-altering circumstance (loss, birth of a child, divorce, addiction, career change, started a business, etc...) and the emotions surrounding the event have you feeling off kilter?
Have you been thinking about your home décor or even your wardrobe,
and realized that neither truly reflect the real you?
Have you been working in a field that leaves you with a sense of emptiness, but fear prevents you from taking a leap of faith?
Am I describing you or someone who know?
If so, today is your lucky day!
Gently and with intention, stop for a moment.
Yes, right now.
Take a breath. A deep breath.
Take a moment to think about where you are in your relationships, even the one you have with yourself. Is someTHING or someONE missing?
Take a moment to analyze your physical, spiritual, mental & emotional health.
Have you been thinking about making lifestyle changes, but haven’t yet taken action?
Maybe you desire a healthier path, but are not quite sure what constitutes a deep connection between mind, body, and spirit.
Take a moment to be honest about where you see yourself in five years. Are you living a life that is both fulfilling and purposeful?
This exercise, and others like it, when done with intention, can help to provide amazing clarity. Just a few moments a day of quiet, mindful visualization & meditation, will help to move you from a monotonous, day-to-day existence, to a lifetime filled with joy and wonder!
The shift will be radical and life-changing; I promise!
Our team is looking forward to supporting and to celebrating your journey!
Bringing Joy Comprehensive
Coaching & Consulting
37 Broadway, North Haven, CT 06473